Sunday, March 11, 2007

Churchyard Flowers in Spring

I have been taking my camera around the churchyard over the last few weeks, picking up the small areas of spring flowers. On the days I went, the sun was shining and although it was chilly, there was an air of peace around. There were the last of the snowdrops, daffodils, hyacinths , that small yellow buttercup-type flower (name forgotten) and primroses. The trees were covered in beautiful pink blossom. I have always enjoyed going around churchyards since I was a small child. I used to regularly visit the churchyard where an uncle was buried - walking around, looking at the different sorts of headstones. I was particularly fascinated by the occasional child's gravestone - one of a standing angel was very beautiful. Even as a child, I felt a comforting sense of quiet. The church and churchyard is there for the community to use when people need to find a sense of quiet and peace in their busy lives. Come and visit when you need a space to contemplate.


Laurence dSM said...

Thank you for these flowers, very nice photos.

Kirt said...

Wonderful idea to include more pictures around Church! Would it be possible to see more of the Tower? I think this would help give us a visual idea of the needed repair.