Sunday, March 11, 2007


You will know that St Andrews has a problem with funding the repair of its Tower.
Do you think that you have a responsibility with regard to the ancient building in your parish?
How would you feel if it could no longer operate financially? Or that it had to close?
I wonder if anybody feels that our ancient church is important to them and our community.
I think it is very important. It has stood there for centuries, supporting the people in our community and being supported by the people in the community. DO WE TAKE IT FOR GRANTED? I think we all probably do, but remember this building belongs to the people in Cherry Hinton - so please use it and support it financially. The Church Centre is available for you to book for your children's party or social event. The church is here for your weddings and baptisms and for the sad times when our loved ones die.
You are, of course, always welcome to the services that are held in Church - details on our website. Or visit the church and churchyard when the church is open.
St Andrews is about welcome and friendship, companionship and community. Dont let that die through lack of financial support for the building.

SO I hope that some of you will read the Blog and decide to help in some way. Through some fundraising activites, through donations, through ideas about where and how we can ensure a regular income so that the church building can be maintained. WE NEED YOUR HELP.

1 comment:

Kirt said...

This building is rich in history and tradition. It would be a shame to not support a place of worship and wonderful memories. Over here in New England, I have seen too many Church buildings turned into apartments or torn down because the support was not there.

I'm wondering how we can help from waaaaaay over here in the States?!