Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Thank you Angel for your helpful comments. It is soooo good to get comments from people. I do hope that as we progress, people will comment more and more. I know to get to the Tower Appeal blog is a bit of a maze, but the important thing is to encourage people to look on the website in the first place!! If you have any ideas on how to get people checking the website, I would like to hear them!! Particularly I am interested in getting links with people in other churches and other countries even to see how they raise money to maintain their church.
I will talk to our webmaster to see if she can make a quicker link to the Weblog.

I can't tell the Vicar that he should do a weekly blog. Certainly Barry Linney is very supportive of this Weblog - he has put some details and pictures up recently, if you would like to look.
He is a pretty busy man and of course has a young family, which is limiting on his time. But I am sure he will from time to time put up some items. I , however, will pass your comments onto him.

The people in our Tower Appeal leaflet might not want to be named. Certainly one of the pictures is of one of our churchwardens and other members of the church, together with visitors, at Colville School during one of our yearly fundraising efforts. The other picture is another of our churchwardens with the children in the church doing a Christmas presentation.

One of the pictures inside and one on the outside of the leaflet shows the wedding of two of our congregation - and a gorgeous day it was!!

Thanks again Angel - keep commenting please!!!!

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