Monday, July 07, 2008

Pam and Gill and their work for the church

Pam is one of stalwart ladies of the church who works hard to keep the Centre kitchen and hall
in good order. She is involved in any functions where catering is required. Gill organises the flowers for the church and is involved in many fundraising functions. Where would the church be without people like these who give their time readily and voluntarily to keep the Church and Centre going? Many people help to 'keep things going' - in the church, the Centre, the graveyard, etc.etc. plus all those people who help with administration. St Andrew's is blessed with those generous people who 'do their bit'. Pam is the lady on the right (in a coral cardigan) and Janet(who is always helping) is on the left. Gill is on the right of the lst picture in a dark jacket (and Janet is on the left again). Here is a (silent) round of applause to everyone. (clap, clap, clap, clap)

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