Wednesday, July 09, 2008


Roger and Gerald are our Churchwardens. Their role can be traced back to the l4th Century and is defined as 'elected to assist the incumbent in the discharge of his administrative duties, to manage such various parochial offices as by custom or legislation devolve upon him, and generally to act as the lay representative of the parish in matters of church organisation'. The role is very extensive, but here is a summary:

To inspect the fabric of the Church and produce an annual report
To keep proper records of lands and articles belonging to the Church
To keep the Bishop advised any matters they feel need to be brought to his attention
Responsibility for sidespersons
To maintain order and decency in the Church
Responsibility for cleanliness and overall appearance of the Church
To care for the safety, warmth and well-being of the congregation
To have a duty of care towards the incumbent

Nowadays this would include checking the electrical systems, lightning conductor and fire extinguishers. Keeping an eye on the churchyard and church finances, Health and Safety issues.
All as a volunteer!!!!!!

Roger is on the right and Gerald on the left.

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