Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Hello there Kirt in New England USA

Thank you Kirt for your comments.
I have looked out some photographs of the Tower for you but my camera is not good enough to get closeups. When the work is being done I will be getting some photographs taken from the scaffolding. I quote you from the brochure that was sent to every house in Cherry Hinton last year.
'St Andrews Church Cherry Hinton is a Grade 1 listed Building, dating back to circa 1200. The last major work on the Tower was in the reign of Henry VIII.
The Tower is now in urgent need of structural repair - the parapets - made of local stone (quarried nearby) are deteriorating. The cement render is cracked and is allowing water in. Architects have advised that without repair the Tower will become a safety hazard'
Repairing the Tower will be a major architectural project, requiring the services of specialist stonemasons and substantial scaffolding. ' The overall costs are rising annually and are now in the region of £250.000!!

I hope this is enough information for you for the time being, Kirt. Regards to you over the water.

Monday, March 12, 2007

I looked for the last snowdrops..........................

I went to the churchyard looking for the last snowdrops - and they there were in a small clump, soon to be fading away ..................

Sunday, March 11, 2007


Perhaps some people have not been inside our church to see some of the interesting things and some of the interesting people. I have put up some pictures for your interest of the inside and a picture of some of the servers who assist the vicar during the service. Particularly this morning I noticed the sun streaming in through the stained glass windows which lit up the inside of the church. If anyone would like information on some of the interesting bits inside the church, make a comment and I will find out about it and let you know.

Thank you Laurence dsm

For your kind remarks about some of the blogs.


You will know that St Andrews has a problem with funding the repair of its Tower.
Do you think that you have a responsibility with regard to the ancient building in your parish?
How would you feel if it could no longer operate financially? Or that it had to close?
I wonder if anybody feels that our ancient church is important to them and our community.
I think it is very important. It has stood there for centuries, supporting the people in our community and being supported by the people in the community. DO WE TAKE IT FOR GRANTED? I think we all probably do, but remember this building belongs to the people in Cherry Hinton - so please use it and support it financially. The Church Centre is available for you to book for your children's party or social event. The church is here for your weddings and baptisms and for the sad times when our loved ones die.
You are, of course, always welcome to the services that are held in Church - details on our website. Or visit the church and churchyard when the church is open.
St Andrews is about welcome and friendship, companionship and community. Dont let that die through lack of financial support for the building.

SO I hope that some of you will read the Blog and decide to help in some way. Through some fundraising activites, through donations, through ideas about where and how we can ensure a regular income so that the church building can be maintained. WE NEED YOUR HELP.

Churchyard Flowers in Spring

I have been taking my camera around the churchyard over the last few weeks, picking up the small areas of spring flowers. On the days I went, the sun was shining and although it was chilly, there was an air of peace around. There were the last of the snowdrops, daffodils, hyacinths , that small yellow buttercup-type flower (name forgotten) and primroses. The trees were covered in beautiful pink blossom. I have always enjoyed going around churchyards since I was a small child. I used to regularly visit the churchyard where an uncle was buried - walking around, looking at the different sorts of headstones. I was particularly fascinated by the occasional child's gravestone - one of a standing angel was very beautiful. Even as a child, I felt a comforting sense of quiet. The church and churchyard is there for the community to use when people need to find a sense of quiet and peace in their busy lives. Come and visit when you need a space to contemplate.