Monday, June 23, 2008


This blog is written by Alison. All the people named are part of St Andrew's Church congregation but the Social Action and Prayer Group is open to anyone who is concerned about social issues.

had the idea of starting this group for people who are concerned about justice and peace issues. We do not have grand ideas for solving the world's problems but we feel that each little thing we CAN do we WILL do and together we can encourage and support ideas.
We meet in Ayleen's house on a Monday evening - usually the second Monday of the month but this does vary.
We focus on a particular subject each time. At Christmas we had an information pack from Amnesty International about prisoners of conscience and we wrote to some of them following the excellent instructions given.
In May we went out helping deliver Christian Aid envelopes.
Recently we showed a film 'The Lord of War' starring Nicolas Cage about the Arms Trade. B.Ae has been in the news and I have heard reports about it, but still the film shocked me. The sheer callousness and inhumanity was horrific. Having seen the film Beryl was thinking about ways of 'doing something'. She was in Cambridge in the Oxfam shop and saw their display of (very attractive) cards - and decided to buy all birthday/occasion cards from them in future.
We end with a time of prayer together for the situations we have discussed.
We would welcome your input - ideas, suggestions or perhaps some sort of link up !
Please do get in touch. Alison tel. 248 541.

Friday, June 13, 2008


St Andrew's has a small but enthusiastic church choir that are
looking for new members who are interested in church music and
want to sing. You don't have to read music, although it helps.
So if there are any young people or adults out there that would
like to come along, choir practices are on Thursday from 7.30pm
for an hour in the Church Centre. Church services are on a Sunday morning
from 10a.m. Being part of a choir increases musical knowledge
and you meet and make friends with people in your local community.
Come and have a taster on a Thursday in the Church Centre at 7.30pm.
Or email
if you want to contact someone to find out more. Our musical director is Dr Peter Harland (see above) and Rachel Godsill ( a professional singer) comes along from time to time to help the choir improve their singing.

Thursday, June 12, 2008


Some of the ladies who work hard on Sunday mornings serving refreshments to the congregation after the service.

More plants in the Churchyard

Here are more roses in the churchyard


There will be a Friends of St Andrew's
FRIDAY 27 JUNE from 7.30pm

We are encouraging people to join our new Group whose goal will be to raise funds to repair and maintain this beautiful medieval building and meeting place.

If you would like to ensure St Andrew's Church and Centre remains an important part of the heritage of Cherry Hinton - and a meeting place for many groups in the community, please come along to find out what's going on.

If you think you can help, or if you would just like to come along and see what the 'Friends' is all about, then you are very welcome.

MORE DETAILS FROM Louise Dobson 4 Speedwell Close
Cambridge CB1 9YZ or


In 1999 building work in Church End in Cherry Hinton (a short distance from the church)
during excavation work, workers found one of the most important cemeteries in this country. Over 660 burials dating from the 10C to the 12C were found with a little chapel bounded by a large ditch. The remains represent an unique resource and an assessment by English Heritage concluded that they were of national importance for future study. (Remains are kept to study to help illuminate the lives of previous generations and to help with modern scientific studies.)
It was hoped at one time that the bones could be buried in St Andrew's cemetery, but because of their importance, this is now not possible. However they are commemorated in the churchyard (see picture).

The Cambridgeshire County Council Archaeological Department have prepared a full report for anyone interested in seeing more details